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Let The Games Begin


Perhaps one of the most famous forms of artificial intelligence to come into people’s homes was, Watson. If you are familiar with the popular quiz show Jeopardy, you will remember Watson. Named after IBM’s first CEO and industrialist, Thomas J. Watson, the computer contestant went up against Jeopardy’s two all time- highest earning players, Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings.

The challenge was to see if a machine could out-think humans in an actual question and answer contest. Watson walked, or more accurately rolled away with the grand prize earning of $1 million dollars. We’ve witnessed AI on TV in science fiction movies and our favorite weekly shows, yet when it enters our home we are still duly impressed. It’s the everyday duties and gadgets that we rely on to make living more convenient and fun.

The other day when I had to have my car towed, naturally I didn’t expect the driver to show up with a little robot buddy, but I wasn’t surprised to discover that even a local tow service St Louis MO had a tool or two that is tied back to artificial intelligence. It’s insinuating itself into our lives in the most subtle of ways. AI can deliver a better quality of performance, which potentially makes for a better life.

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Robots and Elder Care

robotsGeneration after generation aging parents become the responsibility of the following generation. It’s the way life is set up to work. However, just taking care of ourselves is a full time job, let alone a parent or other family member that needs assistance in their later years.

For most, taking care of an aging parent is an act of love, but for many it’s a job they would rather hand over to someone else. Because of the fast, busy and full pace of life, many younger people simply don’t have the time to give. It’s an understandable position to be in, but fortunately or unfortunately, taking care of one another as we get older is part of being a family and a community.

We need to keep in mind when we are in our 3rd, 4th and 5th decades that some day we will be 70, 80 or 90 years old, and will require a helping hand. But what will things be like when we get to that stage of life? I recall a short film I saw a couple of years ago in which a young man pulls up to his father’s house in a chauffeured limousine.

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Human-like Robots

AI eyes

It’s been said that by the year 2050 every task that is currently performed by humans will be done by humanoid like machines. That’s only thirty-four years from now. I have footwear older than that! We’ve heard these Asimov type predictions before, but now with advancements in technology burning a trail on a daily basis there is an artificial intelligence revolution. Thirty-four years at the present speed of development makes the above prediction seem more a probability than an possibility.

Imagine you are gliding to work in your driver-less car and it looses power. You don’t know how to drive – cars have been doing the driving for years and since your knowledge of automobile technology is limited, you try a couple of things, but come to the conclusion you need to call for a tow. All of a sudden several Hamilton tow trucks glide up to your lane and a human like robotic creature steps outs to greet you. He does an electronic sweep, determines the problem and within minutes it is on its way to service one of the other 3 billion cars occupying the highways in the year 2050. It was a simple, efficient, no fuss no muss transaction and off you go with a feeling of well-being. All’s right with the world.

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Artificial Intelligence

AI 2

The innovation of the programmable digital computer was birthed in the 1940s out of a necessity to “think” faster and solve complex problems. However, it is the human mind that initially built the firmware and software to enable the machines to perform feats of intelligence normally reserved for the limited number of geniuses and savants on the planet. A threshold was crossed when software was designed that replaced human intelligence in terms of decision making supported by speech and visual recognition, a machine that acted through its own sense perceptions. Artificial Intelligence or AI entered the world of the living.

The question foremost in the minds of computer scientists everywhere was, “Can machines think?” Unlike the technology in a conventional bus or emergency roadside assistance Dayton OH tow vehicle,  computers capable of self driving have come a long way over the years and can do a lot more than you think. You might compare the 3D Scanning and printing industry to that as well, where a program is designed as an application to reproduce a set of instructions for itself. AI is using stored data to think through a problem. A flow of logic is applied to deliver a reasonable solution – an end result based on the principle of reasoning.

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